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Recital 10 enhances the SQL optimizer. Now, production indexes with a FOR <conditions> will be used to optimize SQL SELECT statements. If a WHERE <condition> on a SELECT statement matches a FOR <condition> on an index tag, this index will be used to optimize the query. The WHERE <condition> must be an exact match with the  FOR <condition>.  For example;
USE accounts 
INDEX on account_no TAG outstanding FOR balance  > 0
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE balance  > 0
  Optimized using for condition on tag 'OUTSTANDING'
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In this article Barry Mavin explains step by step how to setup a Linux HA (High Availability) cluster for the running of Recital applications on Redhat/Centos 5.3 although the general configuration should work for other linux versions with a few minor changes.

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The MQCURMSGS() function returns the current number of unread messages in the queue specified by <expN>


if (mqdes < 0)
do while (mqcurmsgs(mqdes) > 0)
   if (empty(mstr))
end do

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The SET RELATION Recital Navigational Data Command can be used to link two (or more) tables based on the master index key of the child table.  With a relation active, as you move through the parent table, the record pointer also moves in the child table, automatically selecting the first related record or moving to the end of file if no related record exists.    

open database southwind
// open child table
use order_details order orderid in 0
// open parent table
use orders order orderid in 0
set relation to orderid into order_details
do while not eof()
? orders.orderid, order_details.productid

The code above will display the productid from the first related record, but you will often want to display information from all the related records in the child or detail table as in an SQL Left Outer Join.

open database southwind
select orders.orderid, order_details.productid;
from orders left outer join order_details;
on orders.orderid = order_details.orderid

In this case, we can use a second nested DO WHILE loop, for example:

open database southwind
use order_details order orderid in 0
use orders order orderid in 0
set relation to orderid into order_details
do while not eof()
// Display first or 0 child record
? orders.orderid, order_details.productid
// Display any additional child records
do while not eof(order_details)
? orders.orderid, order_details.productid
skip in order_details

Or we can use the SET SKIP command.  The SET SKIP command can be used with DISPLAY, LIST and REPORT and automatically skips through all the related records in the child table.

open database southwind
use order_details order orderid in 0
use orders order orderid in 0
set relation to orderid into order_details
set skip on
set skip to order_details
list orders.orderid, order_details.productid

LIST and DISPLAY offer a number of keyword options to allow you to configure the display output.  REPORT offers full column based report design.
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Each Recital table can have one or more data dictionaries to provide a central repository for constraints and other metadata. 

Here's how to set up field validation based on dynamic values from another table.

Using the products.dbf table from the southwind sample database, validation can be added to the categoryid field to ensure it matches an existing categoryid from the categories.dbf table.
open database southwind
alter table products add constraint;
(categoryid set check rlookup(products.categoryid,categories))
The rlookup() function checks whether an expression exists in the index (master or specified) of the specified table .  An attempt to update categoryid with a value not in the list will give an error: Validation on field 'CATEGORYID' failed.

If you have access to the Recital Workbench, you can use the modify structure worksurface to add and alter your dictionary entries, including a customized error message if required.


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And apparently IE9 will support rounded corners.
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If you have software packages which you wish to share with others or simply between your own personal machines, a neat and easy solution is to create your own YUM repository and provide your .repo file for download.

YUM is by far the easiest method of installing software on Red hat, Centos and Fedora. Not only does it mean you don't need to trawl the web looking for somewhere to download the packages, YUM does a great job of satisfying any package dependencies. As long as the required packages are available in the enabled repositories on your system, YUM will go out and get everything you need.

To create your own YUM repository, you will need to install the yum-utils and createrepo packages:

yum install yum-utils createrepo

yum-utils contains the tools you will need to manage your soon to be created repository, and createrepo is used to create the xml based rpm metadata you will require for your repository.

Once you have installed these required tools, create a directory in your chosen web server's document root e.g:

mkdir -p /var/www/html/repo/recital/updates

Copy the rpm's you wish to host into this newly created directory.

The next step is to create the xml based rpm metadata. To create this use the createrepo program we installed earlier.

At the shell type the following command:

createrepo -v -s md5 /var/www/html/repo/recital/updates

This will create the required metadata in the repodata directory of your /var/www/html/repo/recital/updates directory.

root@test repodata]# ls -l
rwotal 44
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28996 Jan 13 21:42 filelists.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   284 Jan 13 21:42 other.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1082 Jan 13 21:42 primary.xml.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   951 Jan 13 21:42 repomd.xml

To do a final consistency check on your repository run the following command:

verifytree /var/www/html/repo/recital/updates

We now have a fully functioning YUM repository for our hosted rpm packages.
The next process is to create a .repo file in the client systems /etc/yum.repos.d directory.

Navigate to the /etc/yum.repos.d directory on your system as root.

Using your preferred text editor to create the .repo file. In this example I will call it recital.repo.
Now paste in the following lines:

name=Recital Update Server

Once that is saved, at the shell prompt on the same machine (YUM client system).

$ yum repolist
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
repo id                  repo name                                 status
Recital                  Recital Update Server                     enabled:      1
adobe-linux-i386         Adobe Systems Incorporated                enabled:     17
fedora                   Fedora 12 - i386                          enabled: 15,366

As you can see the Recital repo is now being picked up and we have access to all the packages it is hosting.

See how easy that was!

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Recital is a proven and cost-effective database solution that will help reduce the cost of your database and application software infrastructure substantially. As an added benefit, Recital can run many legacy applications with little to no change as it understands FoxBASE, FoxPRO and Clipper languages as a subset of it's overall capability.
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A good article describing the configuration of samba for file/record locking can be found here.

Basically you must add these directives to the smb.conf file:

oplocks = False 
level2 oplocks = False

The default oplock type is Level1. Level2 oplocks are enabled on a per-share basis in the smb.conf file. Alternately, you could disable oplocks on a per-file basis within the share: 

veto oplock files = /*.dbf/*.DBF/*.ndx/*.NDX/*.dbx/*.DBX/*.dbt/*.DBT/

You can further tune samba by following this guide.

If you specify the Common Internet File System (CIFS) when you mount the samba share then you must specify the following options
mount -t cifs {mount-point} -o username=name,pass=pass,directio
The directio option is used to not do inode data caching on files opened on this mount. This precludes mmaping files on this mount. In some cases with fast networks and little or no caching benefits on the client (e.g. when the application is doing large sequential reads bigger than page size without rereading the same data) this can provide better performance than the default behavior which caches reads (readahead) and writes (writebehind) through the local Linux client pagecache if oplock (caching token) is granted and held. Note that direct allows write operations larger than page size to be sent to the server.

If you get the following error when trying to mount the {mount-point}
Apr 22 16:57:39 bailey kernel: Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
Apr 22 16:57:39 bailey kernel:  CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -13
Apr 22 16:57:39 bailey kernel:  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13
The you need to create the Samba user specified on the mount command
smbpasswd -a username
FYI - Make sure you umount all the Samba {mount-point(s)} before shutting down Samba.
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The first step is to create an Apple Disk Image File (DMG) distribution in a GUI tool, I used DMG Packager.
Then create a directory that will contain all the files that you want included in the DMG file. The best way to do this is to mount the DMG file you created and copy the files into this directory. Then move the .app file created by BitRock into this directory.
Then run the hdiutil utility to create a DMG file
$hdiutil create /tmp/tmp.dmg -ov -volname "RecitalInstall" -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "/tmp/macosxdist/" 
Finally call hdutil to convert the writable, to a compressed (and such not writable) DMG
$hdiutil convert /tmp/tmp.dmg -format UDZO -o RecitalInstall.dmg
So now each time before you build a new distribution with the above commands, just move the new .app file into the directory containing the files to be added to the DMG file.
I've already added this to the makefile so after BitRock creates the .app file the hdiutil command is called to automatically generate the new DMG file.
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