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Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is required in order to use the recital eclipse workspace.
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Recital is a rich and versatile product with many ways to do the same thing. Developers usually write code in the way that they are accustomed to without paying much attention to how this will perform in a multi-user environment with large amounts of users and transactions. The best way to optimize Recital applications is to use the built-in tuning capabilities introduced in Recital 10.

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If when your attempt to create device meta-data fails this is drbd preventing you from corrupting a file system present on the target partition.

$ drbdadm create-md drbd0

v08 Magic number not found
md_offset 30005817344
al_offset 30005784576
bm_offset 30004867072

Found ext2 filesystem which uses 190804004 kB
current configuration leaves usable 29301628 kB

Device size would be truncated, which
would corrupt data and result in
'access beyond end of device' errors.
You need to either
* use external meta data (recommended)
* shrink that filesystem first
* zero out the device (destroy the filesystem)
Operation refused.

Command 'drbdmeta /dev/drbd0 v08 /dev/sda4 internal create-md' terminated with exit code 40
drbdadm aborting

Once you have confirmed that the file system present on the target partition is no longer required at the prompt type the following:

Replace /dev/sdaX with the block device you are targeting.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdaX bs=1M count=128

Once this has completed the drbdadm create-md drbd0 command will complete with a "success."

$ drbdadm create-md drbd0
v08 Magic number not found
v07 Magic number not found
v07 Magic number not found
v08 Magic number not found
Writing meta data...
initialising activity log
NOT initialized bitmap
New drbd meta data block successfully created.


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Recital 10 enhances the way updating tables with indexes is done. The Recital engine will now evaluate each index individually to determine if any changes being made to the row effect it. If this is not the case then the index is flagged not to be updated. This enhancement helps speed up performance of updates and is particularly noticeable in cluster/network installations.
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The first step is to create an Apple Disk Image File (DMG) distribution in a GUI tool, I used DMG Packager.
Then create a directory that will contain all the files that you want included in the DMG file. The best way to do this is to mount the DMG file you created and copy the files into this directory. Then move the .app file created by BitRock into this directory.
Then run the hdiutil utility to create a DMG file
$hdiutil create /tmp/tmp.dmg -ov -volname "RecitalInstall" -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "/tmp/macosxdist/" 
Finally call hdutil to convert the writable, to a compressed (and such not writable) DMG
$hdiutil convert /tmp/tmp.dmg -format UDZO -o RecitalInstall.dmg
So now each time before you build a new distribution with the above commands, just move the new .app file into the directory containing the files to be added to the DMG file.
I've already added this to the makefile so after BitRock creates the .app file the hdiutil command is called to automatically generate the new DMG file.
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When stress testing our loadbalancer, i was unable to get more than 20 reliable ssh connections. The following error would be reported.

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

The resolution for this is quite simple.

Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and increase the MaxStartups. On my server i set this to 200.

Edit /etc/sysctrl.conf and add the following line:

net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 3000

Then apply this change:

# sysctl -p


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There's a nice article on IBM developerworks describing how to package software using RPM. You can read it here.

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Recital 10 enhanced Recital by enabling it to be used in bash shell scripts and in shell commands which use pipes and/or redirect stdin and stdout. If stdin is not redirected then recital will startup and operate as normal in a terminal window. Additionally you can use heredoc to denote a block of recital commands that should be executed. Note that when used in this manner, no UI commands can be executed and no user interaction is allowed.  
# recital < mrprog.prg 
# recital < myprog.prg > myoutput.txt
# recital > myoutput.txt <<END
use customers
list structure
# echo "select * from sales!customers where overdue" | recital | wc -l
Individual commands can be executed in shell scripts.
# recital -c "create database sales"
# recital -c "create table sales!invoices (id int, name char(25), due date)"
Expressions can be evaluated and used in shell scripts.
# VER=`recital -e "version(1)"`
You can view what command line options are available by typing:
# recital --help
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In Linux you can run lsof and pipe it though grep for the files you are interested in, for example;
$ lsof | grep db.exe | grep accounts
db.exe    16897      john    6uw     REG      253,0    20012    3413872 /usr/recital100/qa/accounts.dbf
db.exe    16897      john    7u      REG      253,0     4176    3413885 /usr/recital100/qa/accounts.dbx
If you want to check for locks you can use lslk, for example;
$ lslk | grep db.exe | grep accounts
db.exe    16897 253,0 3413872 20012  w 0  0  0 12319   0 /usr/recital100/qa/accounts.dbf
If you don't have lslk installed you can install it with one of the updaters, for example on redhat linux:
$ yum update lslk

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