
Login Register
When the node is clicked set editable to false. Set editable to true in the double-click event handler.
// the click event handler 
private function onclick_sourcetree(e:Event):void  {     
    yourTree.editable = false; 

// the doubleclick event handler  
private function ondoubleclick_sourcetree(e:Event):void  {     
    yourTree.editable = true;    
    yourTree.editedItemPosition = {columnIndex:0, rowIndex:sourceTree.selectedIndex}; 
Published in Blogs
The Recital Universal ODBC Driver is a 32 bit implementation, so is not listed in the 64 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator, which is the default administrator accessed from Control Panel | Administration Tools.

So, to create and configure Recital ODBC datasources, you need to use the Window 32 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator or Recital's own  Recital Universal ODBC Manager (32-bit).

The Window 32 bit ODBC Data Source Administrator is %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
The Recital Universal ODBC Manager (32-bit) can be accessed from the Control Panel (icon view).
Published in Blogs

This article looks at the range of client access mechanisms for Windows that can be used with the Recital C-ISAM Bridge and details bridge configuration and usage.


Just because the format of data is regarded as 'legacy' does not make that data in any way obsolete. Modern client interfaces can not only extend the life of long-term data, but also provide different ways to analyse and gain advantage from that data.

Recital Corporation provides a range of solutions to interface to Informix compliant C-ISAM data on Linux or UNIX from Windows clients.


Click image to display full size

Fig 1: Recital Mirage .NET application accessing the C-ISAM Demo table.

Recital offers two alternative ways to access C-ISAM data using Microsoft .NET:

The Recital .NET Data Provider is a managed Data Provider written in C# that provides full compatibility with the Microsoft SQLserver and OLE DB data providers that ship with the .NET framework. It is fully integrated with the Visual Studio .NET IDE supporting data binding and automatic code generation using the form designer. The Recital .NET Data Provider works in conjunction with the Recital Database Server for Linux or UNIX to access C-ISAM data.

Recital Mirage .NET is a complete solution for migrating, developing and deploying 4GL database applications. Recital Mirage .NET works in conjunction with the Recital Mirage .NET Application Server for Linux or UNIX to access C-ISAM data.


Click image to display full size

Fig 2: Java™ Swing JTable accessing the C-ISAM Demo table via the Recital JDBC Driver.

The Recital JDBC Driver is an all Java Type 4 JDBC 3.0 Driver, allowing you to access C-ISAM data from Java applets and applications. The Recital JDBC Driver works in conjunction with the Recital Database Server for Linux or UNIX to access C-ISAM data.


Click image to display full size

Fig 3: Microsoft® Office Excel 2003 Pivot Chart and Pivot Table accessing the C-ISAM Demo table via the Recital ODBC Driver.

The Recital ODBC Driver is an ODBC 3.0 Driver, allowing you to access C-ISAM data from your preferred ODBC based Windows applications. You can develop your own applications in languages such as C++ or Visual Basic, manipulate the data in a spreadsheet package or word processor document and design charts, graphs and reports. The Recital ODBC Driver works in conjunction with the Recital Database Server for Linux or UNIX to access C-ISAM data.

Configuring the Recital C-ISAM Bridge

Data access is achieved through a C-ISAM Bridge.  This requires the creation of an empty Recital table that has the same structure as the C-ISAM file and of a RecitalC-ISAM Bridge file.

On Linux and UNIX, Recital Terminal Developer and the Recital Database Server come complete with an example C-ISAM data file, C-ISAM index and Recital C-ISAM bridge that can be used for testing and as a template for configuring your own C-ISAM bridges.  The Recital Database Server also includes a bridge creation ini file.

Step 1:

Create a Recital table with the same structure as the C-ISAM file.  The fields/columns in the structure file must exactly match the data type and length of those in the C-ISAM file.  The Recital table will have one byte more in total record length due to the Recital record deletion marker.

To create the table, use the SQL CREATE TABLE command or the Recital Terminal Developer CREATE worksurface.  The SQL CREATE TABLE command can be called directly:

  In:      hstmt = 0x00761BE8,
    szSqlStr = "CREATE TABLE cisamdemo.str (DD Char(4)
              DESCRIPTION "Dd...", cbSqlStr = -3
  Return:  SQL_SUCCESS=0

or be included in a 4GL program:

// createtab.prg
CREATE TABLE cisamdemo.str;
    (DD Char(4) DESCRIPTION "Dd",;
     CONFIRM Char(6) DESCRIPTION "Confirm",;
     PROCDATE Char(6) DESCRIPTION "Procdate",;
     CONTROL Char(5) DESCRIPTION "Control",;
     DOLLARS Decimal(13,2) DESCRIPTION "Dollars",;
     DEALER Char(5) DESCRIPTION "Dealer",;
     TERRITORY Char(2) DESCRIPTION "Territory",;
     WOREP Char(12) DESCRIPTION "Worep",;
     CURRTRAN Char(3) DESCRIPTION "Currtran",;
     TRADDATE Char(6) DESCRIPTION "Traddate",;
     CITY Char(10) DESCRIPTION "City",;
     ACCOUNT Char(11) DESCRIPTION "Account",;
     PRETRAN Char(2) DESCRIPTION "Pretran",;
     AFSREP Char(14) DESCRIPTION "Afsrep",;
     REPKEY Char(9) DESCRIPTION "Repkey",;
     BRANCH Char(3) DESCRIPTION "Branch",;
     WODEALER Char(5) DESCRIPTION "Wodealer",;
     BANKCODE Char(2) DESCRIPTION "Bankcode",;
     COMMRATE Decimal(6,4) DESCRIPTION "Commrate",;
     NEWREP Char(1) DESCRIPTION "Newrep",;
     SETTLE Char(1) DESCRIPTION "Settle",;
     POSTDATE Char(6) DESCRIPTION "Postdate")
if file("cisamdemo.str")
    return .T.
    return .F.
// end of createtab.prg

Server-side 4GL programs can be called by all clients, e.g. from a Java class with a JDBC connection:

//-- --
import java.sql.*;
import Recital.sql.*;

public class create_str {

  public static void main(String argv[]) {
    try {
      new RecitalDriver();
      String url = "jdbc:Recital:" +
        "SERVERNAME=cisamserver;" +
        "DIRECTORY=/usr/recital/data/southwind;" +
        "USERNAME=user;" +
      Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "user", "pass");
      Statement stmt = con.createStatement();

      CallableStatement sp = con.prepareCall("{call createtab}");
      boolean res = sp.execute();
      String outParam = sp.getString(1);
      System.out.println("Returned "+outParam);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      DriverManager.println("Driver exception: " + e.getMessage());
    try {
      System.out.println("Press any key to continue...");;
    } catch(IOException ie) {

The table should be given a ‘.str’ file extension (rather than the default ‘.dbf’) to signify that this is a structure file only.

Please see the end of this article for information on matching Informix and Recital data types

Fig 4: Recital CREATE/MODIFY STRUCTURE worksurface for character mode table creation.

Step 2: Creating the Bridge File

If you have Recital installed on the server platform, the Bridge File can be created using the CREATE BRIDGE worksurface.  The corresponding command to modify the bridge file is MODIFY BRIDGE <bridge file>.  This is the cisamdemo.dbf bridge file in the CREATE/MODIFY BRIDGE WORKSURFACE:

> modify bridge cisamdemo.dbf

Fig 5: Recital CREATE BRIDGE/MODIFY BRIDGE worksurface for bridge creation.

For Recital Database Server clients, the Bridge File can be created using the Recital/SQL CREATE BRIDGE command:

CREATE BRIDGE cisamdemo.dbf;
  EXTERNAL "cisamdemo.dat";
  METADATA "cisamdemo.str";
  ALIAS "cisamdemo"


CREATE BRIDGE cisamdemo.dbf;
  AS "type=CISAM;external=cisamdemo.dat;metadata=cisamdemo.str;alias=cisamdemo"

The examples above assume that the C-ISAM file, the bridge file and the Recital structure file are all in the current working directory.  Full path information can be specified for the <externalname> and the <databasename>.  For added flexibility, environment variables can be used to determine the path at the time the bridge is opened.  Environment variables can be included for either or both the <externalname> and the <databasename>.  A colon should be specified between the environment variable and the file name.


  CREATE BRIDGE cisamdemo.dbf;
  EXTERNAL "DB_DATADIR:cisamdemo";
  METADATA "DB_MIRAGE_PATH:cisamdemo.str";
  ALIAS "cisamdemo"

Fig 6: Recital CREATE BRIDGE/MODIFY BRIDGE worksurface - using environment variables.

Using the Bridge

The Bridge can now be used.  To access the C-ISAM file, use the ‘alias’ specified in the Bridge definition.

SELECT * FROM cisamdemo
use cisamdemo


The cisamdemo.dat file included in the Recital distributions for Linux and UNIX has three associated index keys in the cisamdemo.idx file:

Select area: 1
Database in use: cisamdemo
Alias: cisamdemo
Number of records: 4
Current record: 2
File Type: CISAM (C-ISAM)
Master Index: [cisamdemo.idx key #1]
Type: Character
Len: 21   (Unique)
Index: [cisamdemo.idx key #2]
Key: DD+SUBSTR(CONFIRM,2,5)+TRADDATE+STR(DOLLARS,13,2) +CURRTRAN+ACCOUNT Type: Character Len: 42 Index: [cisamdemo.idx key #3] Key: DEALER+BRANCH+AFSREP+SUBSTR(PROCDATE,5,2) +SUBSTR(CONTROL,2,4) Type: Character Len: 28

The Recital C-ISAM bridge makes full use of the C-ISAM indexes.  SQL SELECT statements with WHERE clauses are optimized based on any of the existing indexes when possible.  The following ODBC SELECT call makes use of key #3 rather than sequentially searching through the data file.

  In:      hstmt = 0x00761BE8,
    szSqlStr = "select * from cisamdemo
      where dealer+branch+afsrep=' 00161   595-7912",
      cbSqlStr = -3
  Return:  SQL_SUCCESS=0

Get Data All:


"0159", " 15522", "930312", "13356", 4992.60, "00161", "19", 
"", "210", "930305", "", "70000100009", "", "595-7912", 
"930315791", "", "", "59", 0.0000, "1", "", "930315"
1 row fetched from 22 columns.

Using the Recital/4GL, the primary index is set as the master index when the bridge is first opened.  Any secondary indexes can be selected using the SET ORDER TO <expN> command.  The Recital/4GL SEEK or FIND commands and SEEK() function can be used to search in the current master index.

Master index: [cisamdemo.idx key #3]
> SEEK “00161   595-7912”

Appendix 1: Data Types















Double Precision




16 Bit Integer






32 Bit Long
















Appendix 2: C-ISAM RDD Error Messages

The following errors relate to the use of the Recital CISAM Replaceable Database Driver (RDD).  They can be received as an ‘errno <expN>’ on Recital error messages:


Error Description


Duplicate record


File not open


Invalid argument


Invalid key description


Out of file descriptors


Invalid ISAM file format


Exclusive lock required


Record claimed by another user


Key already exists


Primary key may not be used


Beginning or end of file reached


No match was found


There is no “current” established


Entire file locked by another user


File name too long


Cannot create lock file


Memory allocation request failed


Bad custom collating


Duplicate primary key allowed


Invalid transaction identifier


Exclusively locked in a transaction


Internal error in journaling


Object not locked

Published in Blogs
Another useful article on IBM developerworks shows how to build PHP extensions using SWIG. You can find the article here.
Published in Blogs
An extremely useful article that describes some firefox undocumented features that allow you to install Firefox XPI And JAR Firefox Add-ons And Themes.
Published in Blogs

This guide will assist you in setting up an rsnapshot backup server on your network. rsnapshot uses rsync via ssh to perform unattended backups of multiple systems in your network. The guide can be found on the centos website here.

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This is a sample info message. Use <p class="gkInfo1">Your info message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample tips message. Use <p class="gkTips1">Your tips goes here!</p>.

This is a sample warning message. Use <p class="gkWarning1">Your warning message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample info message. Use <p class="gkInfo2">Your info message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample tips message. Use <p class="gkTips2">Your tips goes here!</p>.

This is a sample warning message. Use <p class="gkWarning2">Your warning message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample info message. Use <p class="gkInfo3">Your info message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample tips message. Use <p class="gkTips3">Your tips goes here!</p>.

This is a sample warning message. Use <p class="gkWarning3">Your warning message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample info message. Use <p class="gkInfo4">Your info message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample tips message. Use <p class="gkTips4">Your tips goes here!</p>.

This is a sample warning message. Use <p class="gkWarning4">Your warning message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample info message. Use <p class="gkInfo5">Your info message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample tips message. Use <p class="gkTips5">Your tips goes here!</p>.

This is a sample warning message. Use <p class="gkWarning5">Your warning message goes here!</p>.


This is heading 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer semper egestas nunc in volutpat. Fusce adipiscing velit ac eros tempor iaculis. Phasellus venenatis mollis augue, non posuere odio placerat in. Etiam volutpat ultrices lectus. Fusce eu felis erat. Donec congue interdum elit, sed ornare magna convallis lacinia. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris volutpat consectetur accumsan.

This is heading 2

Cras diam justo, sodales quis lobortis sed, lobortis vel mauris. Sed a mollis nunc. Quisque semper condimentum lectus, eget laoreet ipsum auctor et. Quisque sagittis luctus augue, id fringilla enim euismod quis. Nullam blandit, elit at euismod rutrum, tortor nibh posuere mauris, in volutpat diam ante ac dui. Sed velit massa, imperdiet placerat tristique et, consectetur a lorem. Praesent aliquet turpis in quam tempor eu pulvinar nibh luctus.

This is heading 3

Vivamus rhoncus arcu sit amet est tristique convallis nec vel eros. Vestibulum euismod luctus velit quis porta. Aliquam varius placerat mauris sed vehicula. Integer porta facilisis sapien, in tempus lorem mattis molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent quis diam non dolor convallis mattis eu id nulla.

This is heading 4

Proin urna erat, egestas vel consectetur at, accumsan at purus. Donec est risus, facilisis dignissim placerat nec, euismod lacinia nisi. Nam ac sem sed quam sollicitudin condimentum et eu neque. Nunc enim urna, ultricies ac mollis pretium, imperdiet hendrerit massa. Sed eleifend felis sed tellus cursus lacinia. Aenean venenatis aliquet euismod. Nam quis turpis tellus, vitae malesuada neque.

This is a headline.

This is a subheadline.

Use <p class="gkHeadling">for headline</p>.Use <p class="gkSubHeadline">for subheadline</p>.Proin urna erat, egestas vel consectetur at, accumsan at purus. Donec est risus, facilisis dignissim placerat nec, euismod lacinia nisi. Nam ac sem sed quam sollicitudin condimentum et eu neque. Nunc enim urna, ultricies ac mollis pretium, imperdiet hendrerit massa. Sed eleifend felis sed tellus cursus lacinia. Aenean venenatis aliquet euismod. Nam quis turpis tellus, vitae malesuada neque.

This is a small headline

This is a large headline

Use <p class="gkHeadling">for headline</p>.Use <p class="gkSubHeadline">for subheadline</p>.Proin urna erat, egestas vel consectetur at, accumsan at purus. Donec est risus, facilisis dignissim placerat nec, euismod lacinia nisi. Nam ac sem sed quam sollicitudin condimentum et eu neque. Nunc enim urna, ultricies ac mollis pretium, imperdiet hendrerit massa. Sed eleifend felis sed tellus cursus lacinia. Aenean venenatis aliquet euismod. Nam quis turpis tellus, vitae malesuada neque.

Icon set 1

This is a sample audio message. Use <p class="gkAudio">Your audio message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample webcam message. Use <p class="gkWebcam">Your webcam goes here!</p>.

This is a sample email message. Use <p class="gkEmail">Your email message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample creditcard message. Use <p class="gkCreditcard">Your creditcart message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample feed message. Use <p class="gkFeed">Your feed goes here!</p>.

This is a sample help message. Use <p class="gkHelp">Your help message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample images message. Use <p class="gkImages">Your images message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample lock message. Use <p class="gkLock">Your webcam goes here!</p>.

This is a sample printer message. Use <p class="gkPrinter">Your printer message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample report message. Use <p class="gkReport">Your report message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample script message. Use <p class="gkScript">Your script goes here!</p>.

This is a sample time message. Use <p class="gkTime">Your time message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample user message. Use <p class="gkUser">Your user message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample world message. Use <p class="gkWorld">Your world goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cart message. Use <p class="gkCart">Your cart message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cd message. Use <p class="gkCd">Your cd message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample chart_bar message. Use <p class="gkChartBar">Your chart_bar goes here!</p>.

This is a sample chart_line message. Use <p class="gkChartLine">Your chart_line message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample chart_pie message. Use <p class="gkChartPie">Your chart_pie message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample clock message. Use <p class="gkClock">Your clock goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cog message. Use <p class="gkCog">Your cog message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample coins message. Use <p class="gkCoins">Your coins message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample compress message. Use <p class="gkCompress">Your compress goes here!</p>.

This is a sample computer message. Use <p class="gkComputer">Your computer message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cross message. Use <p class="gkCross">Your cross message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample disk message. Use <p class="gkDisk">Your disk goes here!</p>.

This is a sample error message. Use <p class="gkError">Your error message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample exclamation message. Use <p class="gkExclamation">Your exclamation message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample film message. Use <p class="gkFilm">Your film goes here!</p>.

This is a sample folder message. Use <p class="gkFolder">Your folder message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample group message. Use <p class="gkGroup">Your group message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample heart message. Use <p class="gkHeart">Your heart goes here!</p>.

This is a sample house message. Use <p class="gkHouse">Your house message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample image message. Use <p class="gkImage">Your image message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample information message. Use <p class="gkInformation">Your information message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample magnifier message. Use <p class="gkMagnifier">Your magnifier message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample money message. Use <p class="gkMoney">Your money goes here!</p>.

This is a sample new message. Use <p class="gkNew">Your new message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample note message. Use <p class="gkNote">Your note message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample page message. Use <p class="gkPage">Your page goes here!</p>.

This is a sample page_white message. Use <p class="gkPage_white">Your page_white message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample plugin message. Use <p class="gkPlugin">Your plugin message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample accept message. Use <p class="gkAccept">Your accept goes here!</p>.

This is a sample add message. Use <p class="gkAdd">Your add message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample camera message. Use <p class="gkCamera">Your camera message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample brick message. Use <p class="gkBrick">Your brick goes here!</p>.

This is a sample box message. Use <p class="gkBox">Your box message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample calendar message. Use <p class="gkCalendar">Your calendar message goes here!</p>.

Icon set 2

This is a sample audio message. Use <p class="gkAudioIs2">Your audio message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample email message. Use <p class="gkEmailIs2">Your email message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample feed message. Use <p class="gkFeedIs2">Your feed message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample images message. Use <p class="gkImagesIs2">Your images message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample lock message. Use <p class="gkLockIs2">Your lock message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample printer message. Use <p class="gkPrinterIs2">Your printer message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample time message. Use <p class="gkTimeIs2">Your time message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample user message. Use <p class="gkUserIs2">Your calendar message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample world message. Use <p class="gkWorldIs2">Your world message goes here!</p>.

YThis is a sample cart message. Use <p class="gkCartIs2">Your cart message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cd message. Use <p class="gkCdIs2">Your cd message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample chart line message. Use <p class="gkChartLineIs2">Your chart line message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample chart pie message. Use <p class="gkChartPieIs2">Your calendar message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample clock message. Use <p class="gkClockIs2">Your clock message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample config message. Use <p class="gkCogIs2">Your config message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample computer message. Use <p class="gkComputerIs2">Your computer message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample error message. Use <p class="gkErrorIs2">Your error message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample exclamation message. Use <p class="gkExclamationIs2">Your exclamation message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample movie message. Use <p class="gkFilmIs2">Your movie message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample folder message. Use <p class="gkFolderIs2">Your folder message goes here!</p>.

This is a group calendar message. Use <p class="gkGroupIs2">Your group message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample house message. Use <p class="gkHouseIs2">Your house message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample image message. Use <p class="gkImageIs2">Your image message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample information message. Use <p class="gkInfromationIs2">Your information message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample magnifier message. Use <p class="gkMagnifierIs2">Your magnifier message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample money message. Use <p class="gkMoneyIs2">Your money message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample page message. Use <p class="gkPageIs2">Your page message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample camera message. Use <p class="gkCameraIs2">Your camera message goes here!</p>.

This is a calendar feed message. Use <p class="gkCalendarIs2">Your calendar message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample contact message. Use <p class="gkContactIs2">Your contact message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample facebook message. Use <p class="gkFacebookIs2">Your facebook message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample like it message. Use <p class="gkLikeItIs2">Your like it message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample twitter message. Use <p class="gkTwitterIs2">Your twitter message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample video message. Use <p class="gkVideoIs2">Your video message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample youtube message. Use <p class="gkYoutubeIs2">Your youtube message goes here!</p>.

Icon set 3

This is a sample audio message. Use <p class="gkAudioIs3">Your audio message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample camera message. Use <p class="gkCameraIs3">Your camera message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample lock message. Use <p class="gkLockIs3">Your lock message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample user message. Use <p class="gkUserIs3">Your user message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cart message. Use <p class="gkCartIs3">Your cart message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample chart bar message. Use <p class="gkChartBarIs3">Your chart bar message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample config message. Use <p class="gkConfigIs3">Your config message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample configuration message. Use <p class="gkConfig2Is3">Your configuration message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample computer message. Use <p class="gkComputerIs3">Your computer message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample coffe message. Use <p class="gkCoffeIs3">Your coffe message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample cross message. Use <p class="gkCrossIs3">Your cross message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample error message. Use <p class="gkErrorIs3">Your error message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample house message. Use <p class="gkHouseIs3">Your house message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample information message. Use <p class="gkInformationIs3">Your inforation message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample magnifier message. Use <p class="gkMagnifierIs3">Your magnifier message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample page message. Use <p class="gkPageIs3">Your page message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample lock message. Use <p class="gkLockIs3">Your lock message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample camera message. Use <p class="gkCameraIs3">Your camera message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample star message. Use <p class="gkStarIs3">Your star message goes here!</p>.

This is a sample telephone message. Use <p class="gkTelephoneIs3">Your telephone message goes here!</p>.


Here are some examples of a ClassicThis is just an example of what you can do using a CSS tooltip, feel free to get creative and produce your own!, CriticalCriticalThis is just an example of what you can do using a CSS tooltip, feel free to get creative and produce your own!, HelpHelpThis is just an example of what you can do using a CSS tooltip, feel free to get creative and produce your own!, InformationInformationThis is just an example of what you can do using a CSS tooltip, feel free to get creative and produce your own! and WarningWarningThis is just an example of what you can do using a CSS tooltip, feel free to get creative and produce your own! CSS powered tooltip. This is just an example of what you can do so feel free to get creative and produce your own!


This is a highlight phrase. Use <span class="gkHighlight1">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>.

This is a highlight phrase. Use <span class="gkHighlight2">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>.

This is a highlight phrase. Use <span class="gkHighlight3">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>.

This is a highlight phrase. Use <span class="gkHighlight4">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>.


Below is a sample of <pre> or <div class="gkCode1">

#wrapper {
position: relative;
float: left;
display: block;

Below is a sample of <div class="gkCode2">

#wrapper {
position: relative;
float: left;
display: block;

Below is a sample of <div class="gkCode3"><h4>Name of your file</h4>Here goes your code</div>


#wrapper {
position: relative;
float: left;
display: block;

Unordered lists

Types of unordered lists

<ul class="gkBullet1">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkBullet2">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkBullet3">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkBullet4">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkCircle1">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkCircle2">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkSquare1">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkSquare2">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

<ul class="gkSquare3">

  • Element 1
  • Element 2
  • Element 3

Ordered lists

Types of ordered list:

<ol class="gkRoman">

  1. Element
  2. Element
  3. Element
  4. Element

<ol class="gkDec">

  1. Element
  2. Element
  3. Element
  4. Element

<ol class="gkAlpha">

  1. Element
  2. Element
  3. Element
  4. Element

<ol class="gkDecimalLeadingZero">

  1. Element
  2. Element
  3. Element
  4. Element

<div class="gkNumber1"><p><span>here goes a number</span>and here text of element</p>

01 Element

02 Element

<div class="gkNumber2"><p><span>here goes a number</span>and here text of element</p>

01 Element

02 Element

Abbrs and acronyms

This is a sample of an abbreviation Dr. Use <abbr title="Here goes full word or phrase">here goes an abbreviation</abbr>

This is a sample of an acronym NATO. Use <acronym title="Here goes full phrase">here goes an acronym</abbr>

Definition lists

Below are samples of definition lists

<dl class="gkDef1"><dt>Here goes the word you're about to define</dt><dd>Here goes definition</dd></dl>

it is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking applications such as baking, sauce making, and frying. Butter consists of butterfat, water and milk proteins.
Dairy milk
is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals (including monotremes). It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborn mammals before they are able to digest other types of food.

<dl class="gkDef2"><dt>Here goes the word you're about to define</dt><dd>Here goes definition</dd></dl>

it is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking applications such as baking, sauce making, and frying. Butter consists of butterfat, water and milk proteins.
Dairy milk
is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals (including monotremes). It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborn mammals before they are able to digest other types of food.

<dl class="gkDef3"><dt>Here goes the word you're about to define</dt><dd>Here goes definition</dd></dl>

it is a dairy product made by churning fresh or fermented cream or milk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment, as well as in cooking applications such as baking, sauce making, and frying. Butter consists of butterfat, water and milk proteins.
Dairy milk
is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals (including monotremes). It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborn mammals before they are able to digest other types of food.



This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend1"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend2"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend3"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend4"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend5"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend6"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample legend note. Use <div class="gkLegend7"> <h4> Title </h4> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div>.


This is a sample text with Dropcap. Use <p> <span class="gkDropcap1">t</span> to make the first letter larger. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue. Duis quis quam sed purus porta eleifend. Vivamus ullamcorper est id libero aliquam ullamcorper. Donec eget dignissim augue. Donec ante felis, aliquam ut consequat eget, lobortis dapibus risus. Aliquam laoreet enim et lectus ornare hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus enim libero. Morbi aliquam, nibh mattis feugiat dapibus, nisi massa adipiscing justo, sit amet condimentum urna ipsum et lacus. Nam fermentum, eros quis ullamcorper convallis, libero mauris lacinia eros, sed tempus leo lorem vitae purus. Nunc a malesuada felis. Cras ultrices sapien eu nisi elementum non blandit urna sodales. Duis accumsan cursus massa, eu facilisis diam porta ut..</p>.

This is a sample text with Dropcap. Use <p> <span class="gkDropcap2">t</span> to make the first letter larger. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue. Duis quis quam sed purus porta eleifend. Vivamus ullamcorper est id libero aliquam ullamcorper. Donec eget dignissim augue. Donec ante felis, aliquam ut consequat eget, lobortis dapibus risus. Aliquam laoreet enim et lectus ornare hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus enim libero. Morbi aliquam, nibh mattis feugiat dapibus, nisi massa adipiscing justo, sit amet condimentum urna ipsum et lacus. Nam fermentum, eros quis ullamcorper convallis, libero mauris lacinia eros, sed tempus leo lorem vitae purus. Nunc a malesuada felis. Cras ultrices sapien eu nisi elementum non blandit urna sodales. Duis accumsan cursus massa, eu facilisis diam porta ut..</p>.

This is a sample text with Dropcap. Use <p class="gkDropcap3"> <span class="gkDropcap3">t</span> to make the first letter larger. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue. Duis quis quam sed purus porta eleifend. Vivamus ullamcorper est id libero aliquam ullamcorper. Donec eget dignissim augue. Donec ante felis, aliquam ut consequat eget, lobortis dapibus risus. Aliquam laoreet enim et lectus ornare hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus enim libero. Morbi aliquam, nibh mattis feugiat dapibus, nisi massa adipiscing justo, sit amet condimentum urna ipsum et lacus. Nam fermentum, eros quis ullamcorper convallis, libero mauris lacinia eros, sed tempus leo lorem vitae purus. Nunc a malesuada felis. Cras ultrices sapien eu nisi elementum non blandit urna sodales. Duis accumsan cursus massa, eu facilisis diam porta ut..</p>.

Floated blocks

Below are samples of text in which part of it is displayed in a separate block

<p> Here goes main part of the text <span class="gkBlockTextLeft">Block of text</span>rest of the text</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue. Duis quis quam sed purus porta eleifend.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue.Donec eget dignissim augue. Donec ante felis, aliquam ut consequat eget, lobortis dapibus risus. Aliquam laoreet enim et lectus ornare hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus enim libero. Morbi aliquam, nibh mattis feugiat dapibus, nisi massa adipiscing justo, sit amet condimentum urna ipsum et lacus. Nam fermentum, eros quis ullamcorper convallis, libero mauris lacinia eros, sed tempus leo lorem vitae purus. Nunc a malesuada felis. Cras ultrices sapien eu nisi elementum non blandit urna sodales. Duis accumsan cursus massa, eu facilisis diam porta ut. Morbi cursus est vel velit hendrerit dictum.

<p> Here goes main part of the text <span class="gkBlockTextRight">Block of text</span>rest of the text</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue. Duis quis quam sed purus porta eleifend.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue.Donec eget dignissim augue. Donec ante felis, aliquam ut consequat eget, lobortis dapibus risus. Aliquam laoreet enim et lectus ornare hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus enim libero. Morbi aliquam, nibh mattis feugiat dapibus, nisi massa adipiscing justo, sit amet condimentum urna ipsum et lacus. Nam fermentum, eros quis ullamcorper convallis, libero mauris lacinia eros, sed tempus leo lorem vitae purus. Nunc a malesuada felis. Cras ultrices sapien eu nisi elementum non blandit urna sodales. Duis accumsan cursus massa, eu facilisis diam porta ut. Morbi cursus est vel velit hendrerit dictum.

<p> Here goes main part of the text <span class="gkBlockTextCenter">Block of text</span>rest of the text</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue. Duis quis quam sed purus porta eleifend.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum condimentum pulvinar justo, sed faucibus ligula feugiat ac. Morbi quis enim nulla, vel congue augue.Donec eget dignissim augue. Donec ante felis, aliquam ut consequat eget, lobortis dapibus risus. Aliquam laoreet enim et lectus ornare hendrerit. Aliquam rhoncus enim libero. Morbi aliquam, nibh mattis feugiat dapibus, nisi massa adipiscing justo, sit amet condimentum urna ipsum et lacus. Nam fermentum, eros quis ullamcorper convallis, libero mauris lacinia eros, sed tempus leo lorem vitae purus. Nunc a malesuada felis. Cras ultrices sapien eu nisi elementum non blandit urna sodales. Duis accumsan cursus massa, eu facilisis diam porta ut. Morbi cursus est vel velit hendrerit dictum.

Other span blocks

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkClear">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkClear-1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkClear-2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-1">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-2">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-3">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-5">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-6">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>

This is a sample pin note. Use <span class="gkColor-7">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer urna. Aenean tristique. Fusce a neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. </span>


This is a sample quote text. Use < blockquote > Your quoted text goes here!< /blockquote >
This is a sample quote text. Use< blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote1"><div> Your quoted text goes here!< /div>< /div>< /blockquote >
This is a sample quote text. Use< blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote2"><div> Your quoted text goes here!< /div>< /div>< /blockquote >
This is a sample quote text. Use< blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote3"><div> Your quoted text goes here!< /div>< /div>< /blockquote >
This is a sample quote text. Use< blockquote><div class="gkBlockquote4"><div> Your quoted text goes here!< /div>< /div>< /blockquote >


Table Header (thead)
Table Footer (tfoot)
Column 1 Column 2
Cell 3 - part of tbody Cell 4 - part of tbody
Cell 5 - part of tbody Cell 6 - part of tbody
Cell 7 - part of tbody Cell 8 - part of tbody

Table Header (thead)
Table Footer (tfoot)
Column 1 Column 2
Cell 1 - part of tbody Cell 2 - part of tbody
Cell 3 - part of tbody Cell 4 - part of tbody
Cell 5 - part of tbody Cell 6 - part of tbody



Template additional styles

In order to get the video you have to use code like this:

<a class="gk_video_frame" href="" rel="mediabox[720 410]">
    <img src="/images/stories/demo/demo_video_1.png" border="0" alt="Video 1" />
    <span class="gk_vframe">Frame</span> 
    <span class="gk_voverlay">Overlay</span> 
    Watch the video 

As a href attribute you set the video address. In the rel attribute you can specify the video size. Image element is the thumbnail in the frame.

You can also create a blocks with icons. The structure is always similar - you have to change only second class near gk_block:

<div class="gk_block tablet">
<h3><a href="#">Mobile Ready</a></h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum</p>

Available blocks styles with classes:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis erat elit. Donec pretium condimentum

Published in Blogs
Subclipse is an Eclipse Team Provider plug-in providing support for Subversion within the Eclipse IDE. This plugin is required in order to use the recital eclipse workspace.
Published in Blogs

In this article Barry Mavin, CEO and Chief Software Architect for Recital, gives details on Working with user-defined Functions in the Recital Database Server.


User-defined functions (UDFs) are collections of statements written in the Recital 4GL (compatible with Visual FoxPro) stored under a name and saved in a Database. User-defined functions are just-in-time compiled by the Recital database engine. User-defined functions can be used in SQL statements to extend the power and flexibility of the inbuilt functions. Using the Database Administrator in Recital Enterprise Studio, you can easily create, view, modify, and test Stored Procedures, Triggers, and user-defined functions.

You can also extend the Recital Database Server with C Extension Libraries and use the functions defined within that library also.

Creating and Editing user-defined functions

To create a new User-defined function,  right-click the Procedures node in the Databases tree of the Project Explorer and choose Create. To modify an existing User-defined function select the User-defined function in the Databases Tree in the Project Explorer by double-clicking on it or selecting Modify from the context menu. By convertion we recommend that you name your User-defined functions beginning with "f_xxx_", where xxx is the name of the table that they are associated with.

Testing the user-defined function

To test run the user-defined function, select it in the Databases Tree in the Project Explorer by double-clicking on it. Once the Database Administrator is displayed, click the Run button to run it.


Example: user-defined function "f_order_details_total".
// example user-defined function
function f_order_details_total(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount)
    return (pUnitprice + pQuantity + pDiscount) > 0
Example: using the user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement.
// sample code to use a user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement
select * from customers where f_order_details_total(Unitprice, Quantity, Discount)

Using user-defined function libraries with the Recital Database Server

You can place all of the user-defined functions associated with a particular table into a procedure library. You then define an Open Trigger for the table that opens up the procedure library whenever the table is accessed. This is a much faster way of using user-defined functions as it reduces the amount of file open/close operations during a query and also simplifies development and maintenance.

By convertion we recommend that you should name the library using the convention "lib_xxx", where xxx is the name of the table that the library is associated with.

Example: procedure library in lib_order_details.
// example user-defined functions
function f_order_details_total(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount)
    return (pUnitprice * pQuantity - pDiscount) > 0

function f_order_details_diff(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount, pValue)
    return f_order_details_total(pUnitprice, pQuantity, pDiscount) - pValue
Example: Open Trigger in dt_order_details_open.
// This trigger will open up the procedure library when the table is opened
set procedure to lib_order_details additive
Example: Close Trigger in dt_order_details_close.
// This trigger will close the procedure library when the table is closed
close procedure lib_order_details
Example: using the user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement.
// sample code to use a user-defined function in a SQL SELECT statement
select * from customers where f_order_details_total(Unitprice, Quantity, Discount)

User-defined functions can also be used with any of the Client Drivers that work with the Recital Database Server.

Published in Blogs

If you have a live linux site that is running vmware virtual machines, you can pause the virtual machines when you want to perform a backup, I use acronis for linux which does incremental backups and you can specify a command to run before and after the backup, this allows backups to be performed at scheduled times daily without any intervention. In my examples below, the virtual machine i want to control is in /root/vmware/Recital/Recital.vmx

To pause the virtual machine on linux:

# vmrun pause /root/vmware/Recital/Recital.vmx

and then to unpause after the backup has completed:

# vmrun unpause /root/vmware/Recital/Recital.vmx

That is basicallty it, no need to attend the backup and it can be perfomed at a suitable time so no users are affected.

Incidentally, vmrun lets you startup a virtual machine at system startup too, without needing the GUI:

# vmrun start /root/vmware/Recital/Recital.vmx

Or alternatively stop it:

# vmrun stop /root/vmware/Recital/Recital.vmx

There are lots of other capabilities of this command, running applications inside the virtual machine etc etc. For full details just type vmrun in a terminal window.

Published in Blogs

Copyright © 2024 Recital Software Inc.



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