SQL Remote Data Connectivity Functions

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Remote data connectivity functions

See Also



The Visual FoxPro compatible remote data connectivity functions are used to handle gateway connections to third party data sources. The following functions are available:

Function Description
SQLCANCEL() Request that an executing SQL statement be cancelled
SQLCOLUMNS() Store column information to a cursor
SQLCOMMIT() Commit a transaction
SQLCONNECT() Connect to a data source
SQLDISCONNECT() Disconnect from a data source
SQLERROR() Return descriptive message for last error
SQLEXEC() Send an SQL statement to a data source
SQLGETPROP() Query property settings for a connection or the environment
SQLMORERESULTS() Check if more results sets are available and if so, copy next results set to a cursor
SQLPREPARE() Prepare an SQL statement that will be executed by the SQLEXEC() function
SQLROLLBACK() Rollback a transaction
SQLSETPROP() Set property settings for a connection
SQLSTRINGCONNECT() Connect to a data source using a gateway connection string
SQLTABLES() Store data source table names to a table


Recital, Recital Server