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Running linux commands inside Recital

When using Recital on linux you can integrate your favorite linux shell commands and use then directly inside Recital using the alias command. This can be particularly useful when you ssh into a remote system and run recital. You can then issue linux commands without having to open another terminal session. Several aliased shell commands are predefined in /opt/recital/conf/config.db. You can add others to suit your needs.
On my system i have these commands aliased.
alias pwd  "? default()"
alias cp   "copy file "
alias mv   "rename "
alias rm   "erase "
alias ls   "run('ls $0')"
alias ps   "run('ps $0')"
alias grep "run('grep $0')"
alias cd   "set default to $1"
alias cls  "clear screen"
These commands can now be used inside the Recital command window just as you would use them at the linux prompt, including the ability to pipe commands together.
ls -l | grep .prg
ps -elf | grep db.exe
The run() function that is used to run the shell command as specified in the alias command will capture output and display it in a text viewer. If you want to run the command and display the contents full screen, then specify true as the third parameter to the run().
run("command", true, true) 
The arguments to run() are as follows.
Argument Description
1 the command line to run
2 True if output should be displayed in a text area (default True)
3 True if the output should be displayed full screen (default False)
The alias command handles parameter substitition.
Macro Description
$0 the command line following the command name
$1..$n the arguments given to the command

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