Open a memo in the active window
MODIFY MEMO <memofield>
[WINDOW <window name>]
See Also
The MODIFY MEMO command opens the memo field of the current table record in the currently active window. A window is an area of the screen designated for output and input. Windows are defined with the DEFINE WINDOW command, and are activated with the ACTIVATE WINDOW command. There is no limit to the number of defined windows. Before issuing the MODIFY MEMO command, you must designate a window in which to open memos with the SET WINDOW OF MEMO to <window-name> command. The <window-name> is the name of a window as specified with the DEFINE WINDOW command. The <memofield> is the name of the field as specified in the structure of the table.
When MODIFY MEMO is issued, the active or designated window displays the window and allows users to make changes to the memo. Program execution pauses until the memo is exited. After a memo is exited, control returns to the currently executing program or to the interactive command prompt.
When MODIFY MEMO is issued with the NOWAIT keyword, control returns immediately to the executing program or the interactive command prompt without waiting for the user to edit the memo.
WINDOW <name>
You may specify a pre-defined window other than the currently active window by using the WINDOW clause. The <window name> must be the name of a window that has been defined with the DEFINE WINDOW command. Using this clause activates the specified window, and deactivates the currently active window.
w = woutput() activate window browse browse noclear nowait nomenu activate window memo modify memo notes nowait activate window edit edit noclear nowait nomenu activate window &w