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Function to run multiple lines of code
See Also
The EXECSCRIPT() function runs multiple lines of code. The lines of code are contained in <expC>, which can be a text constant, a character variable, or a character or memo field. The EXECSCRIPT() function, unlike EXEC() can handle blocks of code, such as FOR...NEXT or DO WHILE...ENDDO loops. Individual lines of code must be separated by a CHR(13) carriage return character.
The EXECSCRIPT() function returns a logical true (.T.) unless its contents specifically return false (.F.).
// Character field set sql on set sql to VFP create table scripts (script char(200)) use scripts append blank replace script with "for i=1 to 10" + CHR(13) + "?i" + CHR(13) + "endfor" + CHR(13) execscript(script) // Text constant execscript("for i=1 to 10" + CHR(13) + "?i" + CHR(13) + "endfor" + CHR(13)) // Memory variable m_script = "do while .T." + CHR(13) + "inkey(0)" + CHR(13) + "if lastkey() = ctrl('G')" + CHR(13) ; + "exit" + CHR (13) + "endif" + CHR(13) + "enddo" execscript(m_script)
Recital Server, Recital