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get data record by key in tag


#include "dbl.h"
	int	dbxgetrk(dbf, dbx, key, record, status)
	<input parameters>
	char	*dbf;		/* Table file descriptor */
	char	*dbx;	/* Tagged index file descriptor */
	char	*key;	/* Address of the buffer containing a key to search for */
	<output parameters>
	char	*record;	/* Address of a buffer where the record data is returned */
	char	*status;	/* Record status, if marked for deletion = 0, otherwise 1 */


The dbxgetrk() function returns 0 for success, or < 0 if an error occurs. See the section on return code values for a detailed list of return codes.


The dbxgetrk() function searches for the specified key in the active tag of the .DBX file. If found, the record data is returned.


The following example searches for "Santa Rosa" in the VESSEL tag of the shipwreck table and returns the record.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "dbl.h"			/* Recital/Library include file */
#include "dblproto.h"		/* Recital/Library prototype file */
	static	dBFIELD fields[6] = {
		"VESSEL",	'C',	18,	0,	0,
		"LAT",	'N',	4,	1,	0,
		"LONG",	'N',	4,	1,	0,
		"AMOUNT",	'N',	10,	0,	0,
		"DATE",	'D',	8,	0,	0,
		"FLAG",	'C',	9,	0,	0
	static void errorproc(
		char	*func,
		char	*str,
		int	rc);
		int	rc; 			/* Return Code for error handling */
		char	*dbf; 		/* File descriptor for table */
		char	*dbx; 		/* File descriptor for tagged index */
		char	record[58];		/* Array of char for records */
		char	status;		/* Deleted record flag */
		long	recno;		/* Table record variable */
		char	key[21];		/* Storage location for keys */
		rc = dbdcache(100);
		errorproc("dbdcache()","table cache specified.", rc);
		rc = dbicache(100);
		errorproc("dbicache()", "index cache specified.",rc);
		rc = dbfilemode(1,0);
		rc = dbopen("shipwreck.dbf", &dbf);
		errorproc("dbopen()","table opened in shared  mode.", rc);
		rc = dbxopen(dbf, "shipwreck.dbx", &dbx);
		errorproc("dbxopen()","tagged index opened.", rc);
		rc = dbxtkey(dbx, "Santa Rosa	  ", &recno, 0);
		errorproc("dbxtkey()", "record number found by key.", rc);
		printf("\t\trecord number: \t%d\n", recno);
		rc = dbxgetrk(dbf, dbx, "Santa Rosa	  ", record, &status);
		errorproc("dbxgetrk()", "record retrieved by key.", rc);
		printf("\t\t%s\n", record);
		rc = dbxckey(dbx, key, &recno);
		errorproc("dbxckey()", "current key read.", rc);
		printf("\t\tcurrent key: \t%s\n", key);
		rc = dbxclose(dbx);
		errorproc("dbxclose()", "tagged index closed.", rc);
		rc = dbclose(dbf);
		errorproc("dbclose()", "table closed.", rc);
	static void errorproc(func, str, rc)
	char	*func;
	char	*str;
	int	rc;
	if ( rc != SUCCESS ) {
		printf("\n  Error performing function %s -> %d\n", func, rc);
	printf("Function: \t%s, \t%s - Ok\n", func, str);


dbxckey(), dbxclose(), dbxopen(), dbxtkey()