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convert numeric/data key value to ASCII


#include "dbl.h"
	int	dbkeytoa(key, ascii)
	<input parameters>
	char	*key;	/* Key to be converted */
	char	ascii[0];	/* Number of decimal places for numeric key */
	char	ascii[1];	/* Key type: 'D' – for DATE, 'N' – for NUMERIC */
	<output parameters>
	char	*ascii;	/* Address of an ASCII string representing the converted key value */

NOTE: "ascii" is used in the input and output parameter.


The dbkeytoa() function returns 0 for success, or < 0 if an error occurs. See the section on return code value for a detailed list of return codes.


This function converts a key of type NUMERIC or DATE into a null terminated ASCII string. If the key is of NUMERIC type the user must pass the number of decimal places to the function via the parameter ascii[0]. The key type is specified in the parameter ascii[1]. Function returns an error if the specified type is neither NUMERIC ('N' or 'n') nor DATE ('D' or 'd'). This function is particular useful if the user wants to examine a numeric or date key obtained by the dbckey() or dbnkey() functions.


The first example converts an .NDX file numeric key stored in "char key[8]" to an ASCII string which is placed in "char ascii[64]". The converted ASCII string has a precision of 3 decimal places. The converted key is printed on standard output.

#include "dbl.h"
	char	key[8];	/* Key to be converted */
	char	ascii[64];	/* Buffer for converted key */
	int	rc;		/* Return code */
	ascii[0] = 3;	/* Specify number of decimal places */
	ascii[1] = 'N';	/* Indicate the key is NUMERIC */
	rc = dbkeytoa(key, ascii);
	if (rc == SUCCESS) printf("the key is '%s' \n", ascii);
	else {
		printf("error number %d \n", rc);
		exit (0);

The second example reads the previous date key from the .NDX file specified by "char *ndx;", converts it from the .NDX date format to the ASCII date format and prints the key on the standard output.

#include "dbl.h"
	char	*ndx;		/* .NDX file descriptor */
	char	prevkey[8]		/* Previous key buffer */
	long	recno; 		/* Record no. associated with previous key */
	char	ascii[10];		/* Ascii string buffer */
	int	rc;			/* Return code */
	ascii[1] = 'D';		/* Indicate the date key */
	rc = dbpkey(ndx, prevkey, &recno);
	if (rc == SUCCESS){
		rc = dbkeytoa(prevkey, ascii);
		if (rc == SUCCESS)
			printf("The previous key is %s \n", ascii);
			printf("error number %d \n", rc);
			exit (1);


dbatokey(), dbatofld(), dbfldtoa(), dbpkey()