Library dblsamp

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The following program is written in 'C' as an example program using the RECITAL/Library functions. This file is stored in the SDK dbl sub-directory and is called "dblsamp.c".

 *# Copyright (C) 1988-2004 Recital Corporation Inc.
 *# As an unpublished licensed proprietary work.
 *# All rights reserved worldwide.
 *# This program may be freely copied and used as a template for user
 *# programs which make use of the Recital/Library in so long as the above
 *# copyright notice is included.
 *MODULE		: dblsamp.c
 *PURPOSE		: Recital Database Library sample program.
 * *=============================================================*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dbl.h"		/* Recital/Library include file		*/
#include "dblproto.h" 		/* Recital/Library prototype file	*/
extern		int	g_disable_txcount;
/* Table structure for db to be constructed.						*/
/* Structure dBFIELD defined in dbl.h						*/
static  dBFIELD fields[7] = {
      "VESSEL",	'C',	18,	0,	0,
      "LAT",	'N',	4	1,	0,
      "LONG",	'N',	4,	1,	0,
      "AMOUNT",	'N',	10,	0,	0,
      "DATE",	'D',	8,	0,	0,
      "FLAG",	'C',	9,	0,	0,
      "MEMO",	'M',	4,	0,	0 
/* Static Error Handling procedure.							*/
static	int	errorproc();
/* Table records to add.								*/
static char *text_table[] =  {
      "Santa Margarita	80.027.5	7000000	95/01/01	Spanish  ",
      "Santa Rosa		81.824.8	30000000	32/01/01	Spanish  ",
      "Unknown galleon	83.123.0	0		15/01/01	Spanish",
      "Jessie			97.127.4	100000	75/01/01	U.S.     ",
      "Lea			96.227.8	1000000	80/01/01	U.S.     ",
      "S.J. Lee		96.926.9	200000	75/01/01	U.S.     ",
      "Genovase		78.418.4	1850000	30/01/01	Spanish  ",
      "Unknown Vessel	77.517.9 	0		75/01/01	U.S.     "
/* Main program entry point.								*/
      int		rc;			/* Return Code for error handling	*/
      char		*dbf;			/* File descriptor for table		*/
      char		*dbx;			/* File descriptor for tagged index	*/
      char		*ndx;			/* File descriptor for index		*/
      char		*dbt;			/* File descriptor for memo file	*/
      char		record[58];		/* Array of char for records		*/
      char		keytype;		/* Variable for varying keytype	*/
      char		key[21];		/* Storage location for keys		*/
      char		tagname[21];		/* Storage location for tag name	*/
      char		keyexpr[512];		/* Storage location for key expr	*/
      char		forexpr[512];		/* Storage location for for expr	*/
      int		kexprlen;		/* The key expression length		*/
      int		keylen;			/* The key length			*/
      dBFIELD	dbfields[128];		/* Storage location for field names	*/
      FLDNUM	fieldcount;		/* Number of fields to create		*/
      int		fldpos[128];		/* Fields position buffer		*/
      char		flddes[128][26];	/* Fields description buffer		*/
      char		tmpbuf[81];		/* Temporary storage buffer		*/
      char		fldbuf[128][256];	/* Field buffer (recin()/out())		*/
      char		nextkey[10][20];	/* Key buffers ([[dbnkey()]])		*/
      char		status;			/* Deleted record flag			*/
      long		recno;			/* Table record variable		*/
      long		rec_no[10];		/* Record number array ([[dbnkey()]])	*/
      long		db_size;		/* Size of table variable		*/
      int		reclen;			/* Table record length variable	*/
      char		month;			/* Month variable			*/
      char		day;			/* Day variable			*/
      char		year;			/* Year variable			*/
      FLDNUM	nofields;		/* Number of table fields variable	*/
      int		i;			/* Loop control variable		*/
      double		n;			/* Double numeric variable		*/
      int		keyunique;		/* Boolean for unique tag key		*/
      int		keydescend;		/* Boolean for descending tag key	*/
      int		notags;			/* number of tags in a dbx file	*/
      /* Perform operational Library environment functions.			*/
      /* DBDCACHE() - this example allocates a 100 record caching area	*/
      rc = dbdcache(100);
      errorproc("[[dbdcache()]]","table cache specified.", rc);
      /* DBICACHE() - this example allocates 51200 bytes for index caching	*/
      rc = dbicache(100);
      errorproc("[[dbicache()]]", "index cache specified.", rc);
      /* DBFILEMODE() - shared, read write access				*/
      rc = dbfilemode(1,0);
      errorproc("[[dbfilemode()]]", "file mode specified.", rc);
      /* [[DBSET()]] - Set exact index match to true					*/
      rc = dbset("EXACT", 1);
      errorproc("[[dbset()]]", "filemode specified.", rc);
      /* Perform basic table functions.						*/
      fieldcount = 7;		/* Number of Fields	*/
      /* DBCREAT() - this example creates a table according to the 'dBFIELD'	*/
      /* array fields.									*/
      rc = dbcreat("shipwreck.dbf", fieldcount, fields);
      errorproc("[[dbcreat()]]","database created.", rc);
      /* DBCREATX() - Enables the addition of table field descriptions.		*/
      strcpy(flddes[0], "The vessel's name.");
      strcpy(flddes[1], "The latitude.");
      strcpy(flddes[2], "The longitude.");
      strcpy(flddes[3], "The value.");
      strcpy(flddes[4], "The date.");
      strcpy(flddes[5], "The vessel's flag.");
      strcpy(flddes[6], "Notes.");
      rc = dbcreatx("shipwreck.dbf", fieldcount, fields, flddes);
      /* [[DBOPEN()]] - example opens table 'shipwreck.dbf' returning the table	*/
      /* file descriptor (dbf) used in upcoming functions				*/
      rc = dbopen("shipwreck.dbf", &dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbopen()]]","table opened.", rc);
      /* DBGETF() - obtain table information on the table referenced by the	*/
      /* 'dbf' file descriptor.								*/
      rc = dbgetf(dbf, &reclen, &month, &day,
      &year, &nofields, dbfields);
      errorproc("[[dbgetf()]]","information retrieved.", rc);
      printf("ttRecord length in bytes: %dn", reclen);
      printf("ttCreation date: tt%d/%d/%dn", month, day, year);
      printf("ttNumber of fields: t%dn", nofields);
      /* DBGETFX() - obtain extended table information including the numeric	*/
      /* field location array (fldpos) and the field descriptions (flddes).		*/
      rc = dbgetfx(dbf, &reclen, &month, &day, &year,
      &nofields, dbfields, fldpos, flddes);
      errorproc("[[dbgetfx()]]", "extra information retrieved.", rc);
      printf("ttLocation of fields in buffer: t%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dn",
      /* [[DBLOCKF()]] - locks the table for the additions that follow.		*/
      /* Synonymous with [[DBTLOCKF()]], which tests the lock			*/
      rc = dblockf(dbf);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function: t[[dblockf()]] tfile locked successfully.n");
      } else {
      printf("Lock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
      /* DBCLOSE() - close the active table					*/
	rc = dbclose(dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbclose()]]", "table closed.", rc);
      /* Exclusive read write access of the table is required to create or delete	*/
      /* tags.										*/
      rc = dbfilemode(0,0);
      rc = dbopen("shipwreck.dbf", &dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbopen()]]","table opened in exclusive mode.", rc);
      /* Perform basic tagged index functions.					*/
      /* [[DBXCREATE()]] - in this example creates an tag on field VESSEL	*/
      rc = dbxcreate( dbf,
      fields[0].fieldnm,	/* "VESSEL",	*/
      fields[0].fieldnm,	/* "VESSEL",	*/
      errorproc("[[dbxcreate()]]","tag created", rc);
      /* [[DBXCREATE()]] - in this example creates an tag on field FLAG		*/
      rc = dbxcreate( dbf,
      fields[5].fieldnm,	/* "FLAG",	*/
      fields[5].fieldnm,	/* "FLAG",	*/
      errorproc("[[dbxcreate()]]","tag created", rc);
      /* [[DBXNOTAGS()]] - obtains the number of tagged indexes			*/
      rc = dbxnotags(dbx, &notags);
      errorproc("[[dbxnotags()]]","tagged index count obtained.", rc);
      printf("t        Key count: t%dn", notags );
      /* [[DBXKEXPR()]] - obtains tagged index information			*/
      for (i = 1; i <= notags; i++) {
      rc = dbxkexpr(dbx, 
      errorproc("[[dbxkexpr()]]", "key information retrieved.", rc);
      printf("t        Key number: t%dn", i );
      printf("t        Key name: t%sn", tagname );
      printf("t        Key type: t%cn", keytype );
      printf("t        Key expression: %sn", keyexpr);
      printf("t        Key length: %d   Expression length: %dn",
      kexprlen, keylen);
      printf("t        For expression: %sn", forexpr);
      printf("t        Key unique: t%sn", keyunique ? "Yes" : "No" );
      printf("t        Key descending: t%sn", keydescend?"Yes":"No" );
      /* DBXDROPTAGS() - Drop the specified tag				*/
      rc = dbxdroptag(dbx, fields[5].fieldnm);
      errorproc("[[dbxdroptag()]]","tagged index 'FLAG' dropped.", rc);
      /* [[DBXCLOSE()]] - close the active tagged index				*/
      rc = dbxclose(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxclose()]]", "tagged index closed.", rc);
      /* DBCLOSE() - close the active table					*/
      rc = dbclose(dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbclose()]]", "table closed.", rc);
      /* Reopen the table in shared, read-write access mode			*/
      rc = dbfilemode(1,0);
      rc = dbopen("shipwreck.dbf", &dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbopen()]]","table opened in shared mode.", rc);
      /* [[DBXOPEN()]] - example opens index file 'shipwreck.dbx' returning the	*/
      /* tagged index file descriptor (dbx) used in upcoming functions		*/
      rc = dbxopen(dbf, "shipwreck.dbx", &dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxopen()]]","tagged index opened.", rc);
      /* Perform basic index functions.						*/
      /* DBICREAT() - in this example creates an index on field VESSEL	*/
      rc = dbicreat( "shipwreck.ndx", fields[0].fieldnm, 18, 'C');
      errorproc("[[dbicreat()]]","index created", rc);
      /* [[DBIOPEN()]] - opens index to active status					*/
      rc = dbiopen( "shipwreck.ndx", &ndx);
      errorproc("[[dbiopen()]]", "index opened.", rc);
      /* [[DBKEXPR()]] - obtains index information					*/
      rc = dbkexpr(ndx, &keytype, keyexpr, &kexprlen, &keylen);
      errorproc("[[dbkexpr()]]", "key information retrieved.", rc);
      printf("t        Key type: t%cn", keytype );
      printf("t        Key expression: %sn", keyexpr);
      printf("t        Key length: %d   Expression length: %dn",
      kexprlen, keylen);
      /* Lock data file								*/
      rc = dblockf(dbf);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function: t[[dblockf()]] tfile locked successfully.n");
      } else {
      printf("Lock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
/* [[DBLOCKI()]] - locks the index for following additions			*/
      /* Synonymous with DBTLOCKI() which tests the lock			*/
      rc = dblocki(ndx);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function: t[[dblocki()]] tindex locked successfully.n");
      } else {
      printf("Lock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
      /* Perform basic memo file functions.					*/
      /* [[DBMCREAT()]] - creates a table memo file (if one needs creating)	*/
      rc = dbmcreat("shipwreck.dbt");
      errorproc("[[dbmcreat()]]", "memo file create", rc);
      /* [[DBMOPEN()]] - opens an associated memo file				*/
      rc = dbmopen("shipwreck.dbt", &dbt);
      errorproc("[[dbmopen()]]", "memo file open.", rc);
      /* Perform table input functions.						*/
      /* DBAPPEND() - appends a record to the end of the active table		*/
      rc = dbappend(dbf, text_table[0], &recno);
      errorproc("[[dbappend()]]", "record appended.", rc);
      /* DBAKEY() - adds a key to the active index after [[dbappend()]]		*/
      rc = dbakey(ndx, "Santa Margarita   " , recno);
      errorproc("[[dbakey()]]",  "key added.", rc);
      /* [[DBXAKEY()]] - adds a key to the tagged index after [[dbappend()]]		*/
/* The tagged index file must be lock first					*/
      rc = dbxlocki(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxlocki()]]",  "tagged index file locked.", rc);
      rc = dbxakey(dbx, recno);
      errorproc("[[dbxakey()]]",  "key added.", rc);
      rc = dbxunlocki(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxunlocki()]]",  "tagged index file unlocked.", rc);
      /* DBFLUSH() - flushes the record cache to disk				*/
      rc = dbflush(dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbflush()]]", "table cache flushed.", rc);
      /* [[DBIFLSH()]] - flushes the index cache to disk				*/
      rc = dbiflsh(ndx);
      errorproc("[[dbiflsh()]]", "index cache flushed.", rc);
      /* [[DBXFLSH()]] - flushes the tagged index cache to disk			*/
      rc = dbxflsh(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxflsh()]]", "Tagged index cache flushed.", rc);
      /* DBGETR() - retrieves a record						*/
      rc = dbgetr(dbf, (long)1, record, &status);
      errorproc("[[dbgetr()]]", "record retrieved.", rc);
      printf("tt%sn", record);
      /* [[DBPUTM()]] - put the memo information					*/
      rc = dbputm(dbt, "128' 30% coral cover.", &record[53]);
      errorproc("dbputm", "memo placed in buffer", rc);
      /* [[DBUPDR()]] - updates the record in buffer 'record'				*/
      /* As of v8.0 this function automatically updates any attached indexes.	*/
      rc = dbupdr(dbf, (long)1, record);
      errorproc("[[dbupdr()]]", "record updated.", rc);
      /* DBGETM() - this example extracts the memo from the record buffer	*/
      rc = dbgetm(dbt, &record[53], tmpbuf, 0);
      errorproc("[[dbgetm()]]", "retrieved memo.", rc);
      /* [[DBUPDM()]] - Updates the memo field for this record			*/
      strcat(tmpbuf, " Appending this string to the end of memo...");
      rc = dbupdm(dbt, tmpbuf, &record[53], &record[53]);
      errorproc("[[dbupdm()]]", "updated memo.", rc);
      /* [[DBPUTRK()]] - the following example adds a record and index		*/
      /* to the respective files.							*/
      /* [[DBRECOUT()]] - scatter the record stored in buffer 'record' to a two	*/
      /* dimensional character array 'fldbuf'					*/
      /* Read in 6 more records							*/
      for( i = 1; i <= 6; i++)  {
      dbrecout( dbf, dbfields, fldpos, text_table[i], fldbuf);
      rc = dbputrk(dbf, ndx, fldbuf[0], text_table[i]);
      errorproc("[[dbputrk()]]", "record placed by key.", rc);
      errorproc("[[dbputrk()]]", "6 records placed by key.", rc);
      /* DBFLUSH() - flushes the record cache to disk				*/
      rc = dbflush(dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbflush()]]", "table cache flushed.", rc);
      /* [[DBIFLSH()]] - flushes the index cache to disk				*/
      rc = dbiflsh(ndx);
      errorproc("[[dbiflsh()]]", "index cache flushed.", rc);
      /* [[DBXFLSH()]] - flushes the tagged index cache to disk			*/
      rc = dbxflsh(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxflsh()]]", "Tagged index cache flushed.", rc);
      /* DBFIELD() - this example extracts the field 'VESSEL' from the		*/
      /* record (#5) stored in buffer 'record'					*/
      rc = dbgetr(dbf, (long)5, record, &status);
      /* rc = dbfield( dbf, record, "FLAG", tmpbuf); */
      rc = dbfield( dbf, record, fields[5].fieldnm, tmpbuf);
      errorproc("[[dbfield()]]", "field extracted.", rc);
      printf("ttFlag: t%sn", tmpbuf);
      /* Modify a single field in record number 5					*/
      /* [[DBSCATTER()]] - scatter the record into specified field buffers		*/
      rc = dbscatter(dbf, record, fldbuf);
      errorproc("[[dbscatter()]]", "record scattered.", rc);
      for (i=0; i < nofields; i++) {
      fprintf(stdout, "ttfldbuf[%d]='%s'n", i, fldbuf[i]);
      strcpy(fldbuf[5], "Spanish");                /* Modify Field */
      /* DBGATHER() - gather the field buffers and place the contents		*/
      rc = dbgather(dbf, record, fldbuf);
      errorproc("[[dbgather()]]", "record gathered.", rc);
      printf("tt%sn", record);
      rc = dbupdr(dbf, (long)5, record);              /* Finish Example    */
      errorproc("[[dbupdr()]]", "record updated.", rc);
      /* Perform index / index conversion functions.				*/
      /* [[DBREWIND()]] - position the record pointer to the top of the index file	*/
      rc = dbrewind(ndx);
      errorproc("[[dbrewind()]]", "index rewound.", rc);
      /* DBGETNR() - after 'rewinding' to the top of the table, the first record	*/
      /* can be retrieved with [[dbgetnr()]] using the active key			*/
      for( i = 1; i <= 6; i++)  {
      rc = dbgetnr(dbf, ndx, record, &status);
      printf("tt%d: %sn", i, record);
      errorproc("[[dbgetnr()]]", "6 records retrieved by key.", rc);
      /* [[DBNKEY()]] - get next key							*/
      rc = dbnkey(ndx, nextkey[0], rec_no);
      errorproc("[[dbnkey()]]", "next key retrieved.", rc);
      printf("ttnext key: t%sn", nextkey[0]);
      /* DBFWD() - position the pointer to the end of the table			*/
      rc = dbfwd(ndx);
      errorproc("[[dbfwd()]]", "index pointer placed at bottom.", rc);
      /* [[DBPKEY()]] - get previous key						*/
      rc = dbpkey(ndx, nextkey[0], rec_no);
      errorproc("[[dbpkey()]]", "previous key found.", rc);
      printf("ttprev key: t%sn", nextkey[0]);
      /* DBGETPR() - obtain the previous record by key				*/
      rc = dbgetpr(dbf, ndx, record, &status);
      errorproc("[[dbgetpr()]]", "previous record (by key) retrieved.", rc);
      printf("Previous: t%sn", record);
      /* Rewind the index								*/
      /* Perform table retrieval functions using indexes.				*/
      /* [[DBTKEY()]] - translates supplied key to record number			*/
      rc = dbtkey(ndx, "Santa Rosa        ", &recno);
      errorproc("[[dbtkey()]]", "record number found by key.", rc);
      printf("ttrecord number: t%dn", recno);
      /* DBGETRK() - obtains the record from the specified key			*/
      rc = dbgetrk(dbf, ndx, "Santa Rosa        ", record, &status);
      errorproc("[[dbgetrk()]]", "record retrieved by key.", rc);
      printf("tt%sn", record);
      /* DBCKEY() - read the current key						*/
      rc = dbckey(ndx, key, &recno);
      errorproc("[[dbckey()]]", "current key read.", rc);
      printf("ttcurrent key: t%sn", key);
      /* Perform tagged index functions.						*/
      /* [[DBXREWIND()]] - position the pointer to the top of the index file	*/
      rc = dbxrewind(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxrewind()]]", "Tagged index rewound.", rc);
      /* [[DBXGETNR()]] - after 'rewinding' to the top of the table, the first record	*/
      /* can be retrieved with [[dbgetnr()]] using the active key			*/
      for( i = 1; i <= 6; i++)  {
      rc = dbxgetnr(dbf, dbx, record, &status);
      printf("tt%d: %sn", i, record);
      errorproc("[[dbxgetnr()]]", "6 records retrieved by tag key.", rc);
      /* [[DBXNKEY()]] - get next key						*/
      rc = dbxnkey(dbx, nextkey[0], rec_no);
      errorproc("[[dbxnkey()]]", "next key retrieved in tagged index.", rc);
      printf("ttnext key: t%sn", nextkey[0]);
      /* [[DBXFWD()]] - position the pointer to the end of the table			*/
      rc = dbxfwd(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxfwd()]]", "index pointer placed at bottom.", rc);
      /* [[DBXPKEY()]] - get previous key						*/
      rc = dbxpkey(dbx, nextkey[0], rec_no);
      errorproc("[[dbxpkey()]]", "previous key found in tagged index.", rc);
      printf("ttprev key: t%sn", nextkey[0]);
      /* [[DBXGETPR()]] - obtain the previous record by key			*/
      rc = dbxgetpr(dbf, dbx, record, &status);
      errorproc("[[dbxgetpr()]]", "previous record (by key) retrieved.", rc);
      printf("Previous: t%sn", record);
      /* Rewind the index								*/
      /* Perform table retrieval functions using tagged indexes.			*/
      /* [[DBTKEY()]] - translates supplied key to record number			*/
      rc = dbtkey(ndx, "Santa Rosa        ", &recno);
      errorproc("[[dbtkey()]]", "record number found by key.", rc);
      printf("ttrecord number: t%dn", recno);
      /* [[DBXGETRK()]] - obtains the record from the specified key		*/
      rc = dbxgetrk(dbf, dbx, "Santa Rosa        ", record, &status);
      errorproc("[[dbxgetrk()]]", "record retrieved by key.", rc);
      printf("tt%sn", record);
      /* [[DBXCKEY()]] - read the current key					*/
      rc = dbxckey(dbx, key, &recno);
      errorproc("[[dbxckey()]]", "current key read.", rc);
      printf("ttcurrent key: t%sn", key);
      /* Perform field level functions including index/ASCII functions.		*/
      /* DBATOFLD() - converts ASCII string to Recital field			*/
      rc = dbatofld("23.3", 4, 1, tmpbuf);
      errorproc("[[dbatofld()]]", "string converted.", rc);
      /* DBATOKEY() - converts a ASCII string to Recital date key		*/
      key[0] = 'D';
      rc = dbatokey("16430411", key);
      errorproc("[[dbatokey()]]", "string converted to key.", rc);
      /* DBFLDTOA() - converts extracted field to ASCII			*/
      rc = dbfldtoa(record + 18, 4, tmpbuf);
      errorproc("[[dbfldtoa()]]", "field converted.", rc);
      /* [[DBSTRCPY()]] - formats character strings to Recital types		*/
      dbstrcpy(key, 'L', 10, "  320000");
      printf("Function: t[[dbstrcpy()]] toutput: %sn", key);
      /* [[DBSTRING()]] - formats non-'C' strings to C strings (null term)		*/
      dbstring("Santa Pedro", 13, tmpbuf);
      printf("Function: t[[dbstring()]] toutput: %sn", tmpbuf);
      /* [[DBKEYTOA()]] - converts an extracted key to ASCII			*/
      tmpbuf[0] = 0;		/* Number of decimal places		*/
      tmpbuf[1] = 'N';	/* Key Type				*/
      rc = dbkeytoa(key, tmpbuf);
      errorproc("[[dbkeytoa()]]", "key converted.", rc);
      /* Perform record/index deletion and file access				*/
      /* [[DBSIZE()]] - retrieve the size of the table					*/
      rc = dbsize(dbf, &db_size);
      errorproc("[[dbsize()]]", "size retrieved.", rc);
      printf("t        No. of Records: t%dn", db_size);
      /* [[DBPUTR()]] - adds a record to the end of the table				*/
      /* You can also 'insert' a record using this function				*/
      rc = dbputr(dbf, db_size + 1L, text_table[7]);
      errorproc("[[dbputr()]]", "record placed.", rc);
      rc = dbakey(ndx, "Unknown Vessel    " , db_size + 1L);
      errorproc("[[dbakey()]]",  "key added.", rc);
      /* Add record to the Production Index as well */
      rc = dbxakey(dbx, db_size + 1L);
      errorproc("[[dbxakey()]]",  "key added.", rc);
      /* DBDELETE() - mark a record (number 8) for deletion			*/
      rc = dbdelete(dbf, 8L);
      errorproc("[[dbdelete()]]", "record 8 marked for deletion.", rc);
      /* [[DBRECALL()]] - recall a record marked for deletion (number 8)		*/
      rc = dbrecall(dbf, 8L);
      errorproc("[[dbrecall()]]", "record 8 recalled.", rc);
      /* [[DBRMVKEY()]] - physically remove a key.  As of v8.0, this function	*/
      /* is not permitted on tables opened shareable.				*/
      /* rc = dbrmvkey(ndx, "Unknown Vessel    ", db_size+1L);            */
      /* errorproc("[[dbrmvkey()]]", "key physically removed.", rc);          */
      /* [[DBRMVR()]] - physically remove a data record. As of v8.0 this		*/
      /* function is not permitted on tables opened shareable.			*/
      /* rc = dbrmvr(dbf, db_size+1L);                                    */
      /* errorproc("[[dbrmvr()]]", "record 7 physically removed.", rc);		*/
      /* [[DBUNLOCKF()]] - unlocks a table file					*/
      rc = dbunlockf(dbf);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function: t[[dbunlockf()]] tFile unlocked successfullyn");
      } else {
      printf("Unlock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
      /* [[DBUNLOCKI()]] - unlocks an index file					*/
      rc = dbunlocki(ndx);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function: t[[dbunlocki()]] tFile unlocked successfullyn");
      } else {
      printf("Unlock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
      /* [[DBLOCKR()]] - tests available record locking in a multi user		*/
      /* environment.  Same as [[DBTLOCKR()]] in multi access			*/
      rc = dblockr(dbf, (long)7);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function: t[[dblockr()]] trecord locked successfully.n");
      } else {
      printf("Lock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
      /* [[DBUNLOCKR()]] - unlocks a table Record					*/
      rc = dbunlockr(dbf, (long)7);
      if ( rc == SUCCESS ) {
      printf("Function t[[dbunlockr()]]: trecord unlocked successfullyn");
      } else {
      printf("Unlock Failed. tError: %dn", rc);
      /* Perform record/index close functions					*/
      /* DBICLOSE() - close the active index					*/
      rc = dbiclose(ndx);
      errorproc("[[dbiclose()]]", "index closed.", rc);
      /* [[DBXCLOSE()]] - close the active tagged index				*/
      rc = dbxclose(dbx);
      errorproc("[[dbxclose()]]", "tagged index closed.", rc);
      /* DBCLOSE() - close the active table					*/
      rc = dbclose(dbf);
      errorproc("[[dbclose()]]", "table closed.", rc);
      /* [[DBMCLOSE()]] - close the active memo table				*/
      rc = dbmclose(dbt);
      errorproc("[[dbmclose()]]", "memo table closed.", rc);
      /* Perform miscellaneous Recital/Library functions				*/
      /* [[DBONERROR()]] - enables/disables (1/0) recovery from errors		*/
      dbonerror(0); 		/* Recovery disabled */
      printf("Function: t[[dbonerror()]]  terror checking disabledn");
      printf("nEnd of Recital C Library test program....n");
/* This procedure handles the return codes from called RECITAL/library 		*/
/* functions.  Intended to eliminate cryptic  'if...else...' statements			*/
/* following library calls.								*/
static	int errorproc(func, str, rc)
char	*func;
char	*str;
int	rc;
      if ( rc != SUCCESS ) {
      printf("n  Error performing function %s -> %dn", func, rc);
printf("Function: t%s, t%s - Okn", func, str);