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Keyboard Events


Capture all keyboard input in a keyboard macro file


SET CAPTURE TO [<.kbm filename> | (<expC>)] SET CAPTURE ON | OFF | (<expL>)

See Also



The SET CAPTURE TO <.kbm filename> command initiates the capturing of all keys pressed at the keyboard to be stored in a keyboard macro file. The filename can be substituted with an <expC>, enclosed in round brackets, which returns a valid filename. If no file extension is specified, ’.kbm’ is used. Everything typed, whether at the ’>’ prompt or in a form or menu, is stored in a file. When keyboard capture is complete, issuing the SET CAPTURE TO command without specifying a <.kbm filename> closes the capture file. The REPLAY command then allows the keys to be played back.

The command SET CAPTURE ON or OFF enables and disables the recording of keystrokes into the capture file. By default, CAPTURE is OFF.

As an alternative, keyboard macros can be initiated from within forms and menus by pressing the key sequence [^OC], then replayed by pressing the key sequence [^OR]. This allows you to store standard form filling sequences and replay them when needed. The ^OC and ^OR key sequences are only recognized if SET STATUS is ON.

The output file created from the SET CAPTURE TO command is stored in a standard ASCII file that can be edited if required. All standard keystrokes are stored as the key pressed (i.e. an ’a’ is stored as a and control characters like ^W are stored as [EXIT/SAVE]). This makes the file very easy to change manually if a mistake was made while creating the macro file.


set capture to query
use patrons index events
menu query
set capture to


Recital Terminal Developer